Planetary Hoppers


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Planetary Hoppers -- Infromation for contributors

Like many other open source projects, we are also seeking for contributors. But don't be scared, we are mainly looking for something else than coders. We would like you to play the game and help us to develop it as a game. Tell us that "The price of Tech 5 engines is too low" and that "Battle system needs to be modified so that...".

If you want to actually do something that can be seen in the game, here are a few suggestions of things we are not very good in:

  • Proofread documentation. None of the developers has english as their first language. You have probably already noticed that. So read the documentation and mail spotted errors to us.
  • Write installation instructions for your platform (OS/JDK combination). Tell where one can download the JDK, how to install it and how to get PH running.
  • If you are good in 3D thinking, we might need your skills. We use Povray for rendering and all material must be in editable form (no autogenerated .pov files, no-one can edit those by hand).

You can mail your contribution to For bug reports and feature reguests, plase use the bug tracking system. Please note that if you want us to use your material, it must be contributed under GNU GPL or released in public domain.

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